
Flying car successfully completes test flight

Flying car successfully completes test flight

This week on Monday, a prototype of a flying car completed a test flight in Slovakia. The duration of the journey took 35 minutes from Nitra to Bratislava. The airline between these cities is around 75-kilometres.

The vehicle was designed by a Slovakian developer. It has place for two people and within two minutes and 15 seconds it can transform into an aircraft. The car uses the motor from a German car manufacturer which works with petrol. In contrast to air taxis, it needs a runaway for start and landing (read more about air taxis:

According to the manufacturer, the Aircar can reach 1.000 kilometres and can fly 2.500 metres height. In total it can spend forty hours in air. In addition, it can carry 200-kilogram weight. The development of this prototype of the flying car took two years and less then two million Euro investment where necessary. The market is huge, but there are still some questions about the technical details and the secure of the car open. The BBC already has reported about the test flight:

The idea of flying cars is not new. Since the 1930s, there where some prototypes of it. Today, flying cars can help to solve issues with infrastructure but a serial production of flying cars does not exist for now.


Picture: Pixabay, lordsse_design

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