
Ulf Lemor - Obituary

Ulf D. Lemor 1939- 2021

On 23 December 2021, the day of his 82nd birthday, our long-time board member and honorary member of the IETL Ulf Lemor passed away in Bad Honnef / Germany.

Ulf Lemor had been closely associated with the Institute since its foundation some 20 years ago. It is thanks to him and his tireless efforts that the IETL still exists today and has developed and established itself as one of the most important forums in the field of European transport law. He was able to bring to the IETL the experience and contacts gained from his professional expertise, his work as Managing Director of the German Green Card Bureau e.V., the Verkehrsopferhilfe e.V. and as President of the Council of Bureaux. To this day, the Institute benefits from this commitment. It is not least thanks to his initiative and negotiating skills that the IETL found a new home in Luxembourg when it was re-founded in 2011, a home that still exists today.  

The IETL owes a great debt of gratitude to its honorary member Ulf Lemor. We bow our heads in memory of a personality who, with his commitment, his competence, his striving for consensus, his collegiality, his vision and his friendliness, played a decisive role in shaping the Institute.

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